Creation and revision of labelling

Creation and revision of labelling
In order to achieve full protection of consumers' health and to guarantee their right to information, care must be taken to ensure that consumers are properly informed about the food they consume. To this end, a number of general principles and requirements of food law are established, and procedures are laid down which must be complied with, in order to avoid any practices that may put the health of the consumer at risk.

Notification of placing on the market of food supplements in Europe

Notification of placing on the market of food supplements in Europe
In order to ensure effective control by Member States, the food business operator must notify the placing on the market of certain foodstuffs to the competent authorities where the product is to be placed on the market. Food supplements and all matters relating to special feedingstuffs must be governed by the specific legislation on food supplements and by the general legislation on food safety.

Obtaining a certificate of free sale in Europe for companies with Health Registration of the Junta de Andalucía.

Obtaining a certificate of free sale in Europe for companies with Health Registration of the Junta de Andalucía.
The Certificate of Free Sale is a document that guarantees that the food products produced by an establishment have been produced by a company or food establishment that is registered in the General Sanitary Register of Food and Food Companies and are therefore free for sale and consumption in the European Union. The health authorities or importers in some countries require that the products to be exported be accompanied by a document certifying that they are free for sale or marketing in the country of origin. This allows you to meet one of the requirements for registering your products or brands in other countries.

Application for allocation of national parapharmacy codes

Application for allocation of national parapharmacy codes
The National Parapharmacy Code is a rapid identification system or computer tool, which aims to help and facilitate the management of pharmacies in the acquisition of parapharmacy products on the national market. Parapharmacy products are all those products which, not being medicines, are consumed, applied or used by the human being and/or on the body, and are made available to users, in accordance with and in accordance with what is established in the specific technical-sanitary regulations of the different categories of products on the market, as well as in the general regulations in force on the subject.